You just spent a lot of time in the bathroom blow drying your hair and curling it. You spent the time using the round brush, applying all of the products, and curling your hair the way you want it. And girl, you look AMAZING! That trickles down into having the best day you’ve had in a long time. Then night comes, and panic comes in. How do you keep the curls in? How do you get them to last longer? Too many times you’ve woken up and you’re hair looks flat and stringy again. Don’t stress out, I asked a few friends what they do to maintain their curls, and along with my experience, here are 3 tips to help you win the curly hair game longer.
Sky High Ponytail
The biggest tip that I have is to put your hair in a loose ponytail at night, and put it up as high as you can. This will prevent you from sleeping on your curls and flattening the curl out. Bonus points if you can find a silky scrunchie. It’ll help prevent the hair from getting frizzy. The key part in this ponytail is making sure it’s loose. If you have it too tight, it can cause unwanted breakage right at the base of your hair.

Hair Bonnet
Are you prone to headaches? Maybe a high ponytail isn’t for you. I personally suffer from headaches and let me tell you, it’s awful to wake up from one. It takes forever to shake it off. Consider getting a silk hair bonnet to wear at night. I have a few friends that love using it. They all said their curls not only last longer, but they didn’t wake up with tangles or frizz. Click the link HERE to buy one. It comes in different colors and has a great price IMO.
Loose buns
I grabbed this method from my dear friend who’s also in hair industry. She divides her hair into two sections, loosely twists each section, and wraps it into a very loose bun. Do you see a theme in the way it’s supposed to be done? Loose, baby! The goal isn’t to create kinks in places we don’t want but to help maintain those curls. The reason why I like this method so much is because it enhances the first technique I shared. Ladies with extra straight hair could really benefit from this as it will keep the shape of the curl better.

Have you tried any of these methods? Did they work for you? The key to making any of these methods work is to set yourself up with a good foundation from the get go. That means using the right products and taking the time to give yourself an awesome blow out. If you need help in this category, click HERE and HERE to read further tips.