6 tips when curling your hair

I remember when the hair trend moved from straight to curly. I really struggled with trying to get my curls to look the way that I wanted. All the girls around me seem to have this effortless curly look and I felt like Shirley Temple. And if my hair wasn’t super curly, it would fall flat in 2 seconds. Can you relate? After much practice and experimenting, I’ve been able to turn that frustration into full confidence. Keep reading to find out some of the things I learned.

Freshly washed hair is crucial when curling. The hair isn’t being weighed down by dirt and oil and it takes your desired shape easier. Apply a good styling cream or mousse in your hair while it’s wet and before you blow dry it. A styling cream/mousse is designed to help hold your desired style together. Think of the styling cream as the wire in a ribbon. A ribbon holds it’s shape much better when there’s a wire to help it. My favorite styling cream and mousse is found HERE.

The way you hold your styling tool and the direction you curl is also very important. You want to hold the tool in a downward motion. This will help elongate the curl and prevent the volume of the curl to be at the bottom. If you build the volume on the bottom of the hair, it can lead to a triangular shape, which isn’t very flattering. You also want the curls to go away from your face. This will open up the face and create lift. Curl towards the face and it’ll close the face off.

There are two keys things to do when finishing a curly hairstyle. You’ll want to brush the curls out with either your fingers or a brush. This helps the style to look more complete and breaks up the sections that were curled. Finish it off with a texture spray to keep the curls from separating and also to hold the curl longer. A word of caution though, a little goes a long way when using it.

I use all of these techniques when styling my own hair and my clients’ hair. The products may look a little different depending on the hair type, but these steps are really important. In the next week or two, we’ll be diving into different hair types and what to really look at when it come to curling. I can’t wait to see your confidence grow!

1 thought on “6 tips when curling your hair”

  1. Pingback: How to Maintain Your Curls - Updos Undone

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