Ok, let me paint a story for you. Your hair is a couple of days dirty. You’re not quite ready to wash it and decided to pull it up. You twist it into this cute bun that you saw on Pinterest and you start putting bobby pins in to secure it. The style looks great and you’re really proud of yourself, but there’s a problem. Not even a minute later, your bobby pins slide out of your hair one by one. Panic sets in and you start pushing them back in. You’re afraid it’ll happen again, so you put more pins in. They hold a little better but by lunch time, you feel like a hot mess with hair sticking out everywhere. I’ve been there before, and chances are you’ve been there too. Luckily, I have some tips to share when it comes to bobby pins.
Not Every Bobby Pin is Created Equal
Yep, it’s true. Don’t expect to go to Walmart or the Dollar Store to get amazing bobby pins. They tend to stretch out easily and I never find that they hold a style well. My favorite bobby pins can be found at Sally’s or on Amazon. Why are they my favorite? They are the only bobby pins I’ve been able to find that hold a style and they never stretch out. They come in 4 different colors so they can match the closest to your hair color. I found these bobby pins over 10 years ago when I start styling bridal hair and my friends…I will never go back. They come in a great container for easy storage. Have I convinced you yet? You can find them on my resource page HERE
Don’t Open the Bobby Pin
Do you open your bobby pin before you put it in your style? I was that person once. Here’s why that doesn’t work. We tend to put too much hair in the pin when it’s opened and the pin slips out of it’s intended destination. In my experience, the grip I get from my bobby pin is stronger when I slip it in the hair while closed. The pin disappears into my style too. It’s pretty magical actually. Give it a try and tell me what you think.

Less Isn’t Always More
I’m the girl that likes to keep things simple. If I’m decorating my house or planning a party, I tend to keep things minimal. I would translate that to my hairstyles as well. People tend to see a fun, simple hairstyle, but underneath it there’s an abundance of bobby pins. I will often twist my hair and use 2-3 bobby pins to secure it as opposed to trying to keep it in place by one bobby pin. Someone looking at the hairstyle would never know that because the pins disappear and are more secure. In cases where the hair is super thick, 4-5 bobby pins may need to be used.

Every hairstyle that is pinned up needs a foundation and often times that foundation is created with bobby pins. It’s crucial that you have the right type of pins and that you use them the right way. Don’t be afraid to experiment on how to best use them. And if you need help, schedule a session with me HERE. Happy hair day friend!