I have to say, the most asked question I get is how to go longer between washes, and I can see why. Life is busy and taking the time to wash your hair cuts into other things we could be doing. Not to mention, it’s healthier for our hair if we don’t wash it as often. So what can you do? Read my tips below and you’ll find out.
1. Wash your hair twice really focusing on the roots– The longer you go between washes, your hair develops dirt and buildup right in the root area. By washing it twice (maybe 3 times in some cases) you’re really getting the scalp clean and creating a blank canvas for your hair to thrive in. It won’t be weighed down by oil and dirt and you’ll find that the hair will respond better to the style you’re going for.

After shampooing, focus on the conditioner on the ends and midshaft– Conditioner has a tendency to weigh the hair down. By avoiding the root area, you’re keeping the hair moisturized without creating unwanted weight to the hair.
Put mousse on your roots when out of the shower– The mousse will help lift the hair off the scalp and create a barrier to help prevent the oil from the scalp to penetrate the hair. Click HERE to go to my resource page and find a link to my favorite mousse.

Refrain from touching your hair– Ok, I know this is a tough one. I love to touch my hair when it’s first washed and styled. It’s soft and silky and I just want to play with it all the time. Think about what happens though, the oils from my skin are transferred to the hair, making it dirty faster. I know it’s tempting, but keep your hands away from your hair!
Use dry shampoo or hat on extra oily days– It’s inevitable. Your hair is going to feel oily at some point, and that’s ok! Don’t be afraid to put on some dry shampoo or wear a hat. I can usually stretch an extra two days when I do either one. Need a good dry shampoo? Click HERE to go to my resource page. I’ve listed my favorite one on there. Try putting the dry shampoo on at night. It’ll have time to absorb the oil and give you a fresh start. Woo Hoo!

Now that you have my five tips, here is one last piece of advice. Training your hair is going to take time. I spent years using these methods and now I can go 7-10 days without washing my hair. It didn’t happen over night. I would suggest taking one of these tips and working on it before trying the next one. Which one are you going to try first?