I first met Jamie the end of November when she came in for a haircut. She was looking for a trim and some layers. She was also interested in having a color consultation to see what she could do for her hair. It had been over a year since it was colored and she was ready for a change. After the haircut, I sat down and we decided that all she would need were lighter blonde pieces mixed into her natural hair color. I loved that her hair was naturally a light-strawberry blonde color and I wanted to enhance that. We talked about prices, scheduled a time to have her come in, and we said goodbye.

A month later, Jamie came in for the color appointment. I had decided to do a bayalage technique to enhance her natural color. Bayalage is a technique where the lightener is painted on to the hair, leaving it to look natural and for the hair to grow out seamlessly. I also used meche sheets to help the lightner to process more evenly along the hair strand. After the hair processed for 20 min, I applied a toner, and styled her hair. We were both tickled pink with the results.

There are a few things I want to point out on why this color worked for her. First, Jamie was willing to work with her natural color. This allows her hair to grow out with no harsh lines and she won’t need to come in as often. Second, because Jamie’s hair was light to begin with, we were able to lift her to a pretty light blonde. If your hair is darker to begin with, it’s going to take a few sessions to get your ends as light as hers. Be sure to communicate with your stylist and to set the expectations from the beginning. Third, Jamie’s hair wasn’t colored before this. We didn’t have to deal with unexpected tones showing up in her hair as we lightened it. If you have old color on your hair, the lightning process is a little more unpredictable. Make sure to communicate with your stylist before the appointment so she can make adjustments as needed.
Jamie, you are stunning! Thank you for trusting me to do your hair!